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Simple ways to zone an area with paint

There are far too many methods to utilize paint to change the look of your house, from block painting and paint effects to changing the color scheme and up-cycling furniture. In light of this, we’ve compiled some easy and imaginative paint ideas (many of them are both!) to truly amp up your home’s décor and give you that creativity springboard to get you started.

Do not be afraid if you feel daunted by the possibilities and could need some support during the procedure. You can reach us via phone, email, or online chat at any time. Press the large orange button below to set up an appointment for a consultation regarding your project.

1) A vibrant corner

Simply painting a part or a corner of a space is the ideal choice if it serves two purposes or if you just want a flash of color. This can divide up spaces for working, eating, and reading, increasing complexity and utility.

Crisp lines

A simple rectangular paint portion can nicely divide the seating area and deftly hides the entrance (which, given the proximity of the furniture to it, we imagine isn’t used frequently). The bland interior’s transformation into a vibrant and colorful atmosphere is also continued by this wall paint feature replicated in the seats and planters.

Abstract shapes

You probably already know that abstract forms are really popular right now if you’ve been reading interior design blogs and magazines. Here, in addition to following the trend for soft pink hues, designers have also added some of those rounded geometric shapes, which brighten the space overall.

2) The ideal setting for a study area

For a variety of reasons, including decreasing their carbon footprint, working for an internet company, not limiting their recruitment to a specific location, work/life balance, productivity, and self-isolation, you name it, more and more people are preferring to work from home.

For whatever reason, there is a greater demand than ever for a practical, comfortable, and motivating workspace. Alcoves and other temporary areas are being used to provide more desk space, while spare bedrooms are being converted into home offices that can also serve as guest rooms.

It’s crucial to divide your workspace when the room’s only use is something other than a home office, and paint can help you do that.

Your noticeboard in a frame

As you can see, it’s not necessary to use a lot of paint. The pastel color gives this room just the appropriate amount of color and frames the area for the noticeboard. This is fantastic for the organization as well as aesthetics.

Segment your workspace.

In this room, the location of the workspace will never be a mystery to you. The study area is grounded by a thin strip of paint the same width as the desk and storage, which also adds a bright pop of yellow, a color that may make you feel cheerful even while you’re working hard.

The idea for a geometrical wall painting

Although rounded arches and circles are currently very hot, we won’t forget about our trusted geometrics. Geometric patterns and forms can serve as a “zone” for your home office while being incredibly adaptable.

Diagonal lines

We adore the contrast between the light and the dark in these diagonal lines. The diagonal line provides intrigue and originality, and the black paint defines your workspace while maintaining a light tone, preventing the room from getting too gloomy to be mentally stimulating.

3)Delights at half height

Since we’re not restricting our “half-height delights” to exactly halfway up your wall, this concept is flexible. It’s a great idea to improve your décor to paint a horizontal line around your room, whether this is determined by a picture rail, dado rail, a statement piece of furniture, or just a distance you choose. It will give the area that extra pop of color.

Create a headboard with paint.

No oversized headboard? No issue! For a fraction of the cost, you can create the appearance of an enormous or winged headboard by painting a low stripe of color over the bottom half of the wall behind your bed. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to add color without going overboard if you’re hesitant to stray from neutrals. As an alternative, you may continue with a neutral color scheme and simply use paint to provide depth and the appearance of a headboard! It will look great either way.

Shelf elevation

You can frame your paint section in a variety of ways, such as by matching the height of wall hooks, a shelf, the ceiling line just before it slopes, a picture ledge, or a dado rail. Your painting project receives a wonderfully thorough and tidy finish thanks to it.

Paint effects give a painting personality

A fantastic idea to inject some individuality and fun into your home is to pair your paint sectioning with a cute wallpaper. We adore the way the wall hooks in this hallway frame the paint, elegantly separating it from the wallpaper.

4)Across the entire room

Yes, smear that paint all over the place. Of course, it doesn’t have to travel everywhere, but it can. Despite being the largest wall you will see without being broken up by furniture, the fifth wall, often known as the ceiling, is frequently overlooked. It is therefore sensible to give it some paint love.

Complete protection

We’re talking from the bottom of your skirting all the way up to the ceiling, passing directly over the cornices and coving. Painting as much of the wall as you can (yes, we advise painting any alcove shelves or cabinets as well) will lengthen the walls and give the impression that the room is much bigger and more opulent. Additionally, the finish is seamless!

Keep up your impact wall.

It’s not necessary to paint the ceiling and walls the same color. Do you recall feature walls? Yes, they still exist. If you’ve chosen a color for your accent wall, you could make an even bigger impact by extending it to the ceiling. This truly gives the area that extra oomph!

5) Decorative alcoves

Alcoves are undervalued in terms of their stylistic potential and adaptability. Paint, whether it’s providing a small flash of color, zoning a space, or bringing patterns into the room, can only highlight its greatness.

The ideal shelfie.

Including some custom, shelving is one of the most well-liked ways to use accents. This presents a chance to highlight our use of paint to further design these shelves. Whether it be simply painting the wall behind the shelves a different color or whether it be painting the entire space for a finished look.

Making your place function for you more people are working from home, necessitating the usage of temporary locations to establish workspaces. Many alcoves are just about the right size for a desk, either custom-made or off the shelf, with shelving added above. Make these areas distinct from the rest of the room by zoning them with paint so that when you sit down, you know it’s time to start working!

6) Don’t ignore the ceiling

Have you given painting your ceilings any thought? Consider painting your ceiling if you prefer a neutral aesthetic but want to add a surprising flash of color. We frequently have white ceilings and colored walls, but there is no reason why we can’t or shouldn’t do the opposite.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our services