What Are Color Pastels and How to Use Them Decorate Your Home?
Color pastels are patterns of light soothing colors: pink, peach, lavender, white that belongs to the pale family of colors and there will be a discussion on how to use them for interior decoration. More often than not, pastel colors are meant as vintage style, the trend recently emerged again to use the pastel pattern used back then. Many interior designers do not prefer or suggest to use pastel colors for interior stating it as an old tradition.
The best interior designers in Salem, are experienced in color patterns that you know from our previous articles. Now, we are specifically discussing the combination of pastel colors and how to utilize them in interior design to make your home more elegant and magnificent. As we are aware that nowadays minimalist interior design style plays a huge role in interior design. Let’s know about color pastels and their usage in styling the inner beauty of your sweet home.
Couple with white:
Color pastels often combine with gentle, soft light colors to give vivid color patterns which give the subtle feel of comfort and elegance. This pattern even suits a small room to give an illusion of a large area. Spotless white and creamy white is the absolute pair for the pale colors to provide a pastel color pattern. The color pastels are not only used for walls whereas can be used for the frames of the wall hangings. Pink color often combines with golden-white and crispy white to depict a feeling of warmth and fulfilment. Interior designing materials and stuff can be chosen in a pastel pattern. For instance, ancient art can be framed in one of the pale colors.
Pastels with bright colors:
There is an ongoing myth that pastel colors are little girls’ choice which is appropriate for children and nurseries. But now it is considered as the top variant and model in the field of interior design. Try to incorporate your wall color with pastel hues to get the true nature of the pastel pattern. Have bright colored curtains to cover your mattress and enhance the elegance of your interior. Pro tip: for curtains try to install silk fabrics. If you follow this, your home looks like the palatial home that is shown in the fantasy movies. The ceiling wall can also be painted with some of the pale color patterns.
A way for the monochromatic look:
As the name suggests, monochromatic design only complies with black white and grey colors to pull-out this style of pastel color. To get this look use stuff made of leather and synthetic is recommended for getting the right balance of the monochromatic look. Try cushions and couch in the same color for an extended look of a monochromatic pattern. This is one of the pastel patterns which creates a classic clean atmosphere and ambience in your room. Consider wood decor scheme in a golden color that offers a fresh classic look. To get a prestigious look, the top interior designers in Salem recommends this pastel pattern for your palatial home.
Colors for the accessories:
Here, in this passage, we are going to discuss the color patterns for your accessories. More often than not, you are going to equip your home with modern space-saving furniture and stuff to decorate the interiors. Le-Freddo interior designers in Salem recommend accessorizing your room with a pastel color family. To add more masala and commercial factors to your interior home drama use a wooden setup for an exquisite look. For instance, use a cream white or pale white for the fabric of the couch and shades of pastel blue for the kitchen accessories. Incorporating pastel colors for your kitchen ceramics and accessories for a soothing fresh feel.
Pastel pots for plants:
While putting the whole concentration on big and large stuff we fail to provide equal importance that imbalance the pastel color pattern. Every interior designers recommend using pastel color pots and jars to plant your bonsai. The lighter color pots will work with the pastel pattern of your interior. This is one of the fun aspects of your interior design drama. Powder pink and icy green color are the best for tiny accessories for your home.
For the quick affordable transformation of your home implicate the above-mentioned ideas garnered by LeFreddo interior designers in Salem for the best outcome.