Simple tricks to get your home ready for Diwali
Diwali is around the corner and it’s time to welcome the festive season with happiness and excitement. The festival honors Lakshmi the goddess of wealth. It is believed that goddess Lakshmi would may enter homes that are lit-up and bless then with wealth and prosperity. Nobody wants to welcome the goddess of wealth to an untidy home. We general love to keep our homes safe, clean, and tidy as possible. But over time things get accumulated in the nooks and corner. It might be unwanted belongings or dust. S as Diwali is nearing it’s time to tidy up your home with the following ideas to get your home Diwali ready in no-time. Our Interior designers have suggested the right way to start decorating your home with these easy steps to follow before and on the day of Diwali.
Before Diwali
Debunk the Clutter
Look around your home there might be lots of things that are unused for more than a year or might not be in useful in the future as well. All this trash just attract dust. So first, it is very essential to get a handle on the clutter in your home. Decluttering and organizing things back to the place can make wonders in making your space look presentable. Once you have taken all the clutters from all the rooms now arrange them properly. Things that are still in good condition can be given to the needy.
Diwali is the festival of light over darkness. Decluttering your home brings in positive vibe, and freshness. Also, decluttering is sometimes nostalgic, as you may end up finding your old cherished treasure.
Deep Clean your space
When you’ve declutteres your house, you’re presumably feeling like you moved a heap out into the open! Since you have removed all the trash you can clearly observe how much dust or dirt your floor has accumulated in these several days. Now clean all those hard to reach spaces on an entire day. Remember tp clean the top of your cupboards, under the furniture, behind the cupboards, nooks of theceiling, lights, clock etc. Dusting can fly away all the dust particles so avoid dusting. Always use a vaccum cleaner or if you don’t have one use a wet cloth to wipe the dust.
Change all furnishing
Just turn around and look at the throw pillows, cushions, bedcovers, and window treatments. How much dust have they accumulated? Do they look bright and clean? Take off all those dirty furnishing and put a new one. This will add vibrancy and fresh look to your décor. If you cannot afford to change all the furnishing then just wash them and voila they will look bright as new.
On the day of Diwali
Add Flowers everywhere
Flowers are an essential part of every occasion. Diwali is one of the biggest festival celebrated in India so, why not use fresh flowers everywhere in the home to add vibrancy. You can float some fresh flowers in a decorative urli at your entrance or as a center piece arranged in vases and tumblers. Apart from decoration you can give flower bouquets to your loved ones on this auspicious day as a surprise.
Add lights everywhere
Diwali is festival of lights so you can never have too many lights. You can find a wide rage of tee-lights, hand-crafted diyas in stores near you. It doesn’t mean all the lamps and diyas should ne new you can even make use of your old diyas. To bring the festive vibe light up the lamps in every nook and corner of your home. The cheap and easiest way to make your own diyas is to pour some wax into old earthy tea cups and light it up to brighten up even the dull corners of your home.
Creative Rangoli’s in the entrance
Rangolis are the fundamental elementent of each event in each Indian family. It tends to be comprised of colors, flowers, diyas, candles, and so on at the entrancee of your home. You have to begin pondering what you will make and get your hands on the necessary material. The rangoli is a delight to the eyes as it makes an extremely positive and blissful viber. On the off chance that you don’t have a clue on how to make rangoli, at that point you can generally utilize the rangoli molds for enlivening your entrance.
Hope the above ideas will help get your home ready for Diwali. We wish you safe and blessed Diwali from the Interior designers in Salem.